Monday, January 21, 2008

JuSt fOr DaUgHtErS

I read this article while I was browsing the net...while reading, I just can't help but cry. Today I was struggling about my argument with Papa last night and just today...God reminded me of something...

Being a Godly Daughter

"Listen to your father, who gave you life...Get the truth and never sell it; also get wisdom, discipline and good judgment. The father of Godly children has cause for joy. What a pleasure to have children who are wise." ~Proverbs 23:22-24

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." ~Proverbs 31:30

As daughters, we seek affirmation and praise. We want someone to love us, to protect us, and to cherish us. We long for security and sheltering. God designed us -- as women, as girls -- this way...and we should relish in it. This is the beauty of God and God's creation. He designed the perfect mentoring and nurturing system for little girls to grow from helpless babies to beautiful girls, from beautiful girls to stunning young ladies, from stunning young ladies to powerful and Godly women. Our wonderful Creator designed for this growing and maturing process to take place within Godly familes. One of the key relationships inthe family is between a father and his daughter. It is where our security, love and protection is found. The relationship between a girl and her father is where she is to see the love of her Heavenly Father modeled in her life.

Unfortunately, the relationship between a girl and her dad is strained, broken, or non-existent. Families are not able to fulfill their special, God-given mission because of the brokenness in their relationships. Godly familes are called to raise up girls who will stand as polished cornerstones -- beautiful and ornate pillars which will stand against the pressures and storms of life while holding up a beacon of truth and righteousness. These Godly young ladies will proclaim the truth simply because of how they were raised -- because of who they are. Their "polish" will point all who see them to their Master!

When we see the restoration of Godly father-daughter relationships, it will be the first step in restoring Godly homes, Godly churches, and a Godly culture.

Let me also take a few moments to encourage the girls who may not have a Godly father who they can listen to and follow. Do not be discouraged, for God CAN and WILL still restore this relationship if you seek Him. He will be the father you've never had. He will -- and does -- love, protect, and cherish you. Seek after His Father heart, and He will reveal it to you! He is your true Father who fave you life and He will be faithful to raise you up as a polished cornerstone in His Palace.

~Elysse Barrett, Author Fathers and Daughters: Raising Polished Cornerstones

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

my bRu!!!

She has really grown a lot. It seems like yesterday when I felt sick thinking of my mom who's inside the delivery room having labor pains. After 5 years, she's now my super kulit, super ma-arte, "Bru" grown up little sister.

Last week, naisipan ko na tawagin syang bru. Tingnan nyo nman kasi...

Junice with her curlers...

isa pa...

Bru as in bruhang-bruha tlga d ba? Sa kanya yang curlers..not mine!

Ewan ko ba...i'm just so in loved with her. She's just so lovable...kahit minsan spoiled brat tlga.

Anyway, bru is so smart...she's even smarter than me in so many ways! There are times she had these comments you won't even imagine coming from a 5-year old kid. Like when mom had her hair cut short..she commented, "Ma, bakit sobrang iksi ng hair mo? hindi bagay! Kung andun lang ako sasabhan ko ang naggupit na wag iksian." hmmmm? :-)

Bru is so makikay..lahat ng kakikayan meron sya. And may sense of fashion tlaga

Haay...she's just so adorable, I can't get enough of her.

And I thank God for giving her into our lives...

Love you, my bru!!! :-)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

VJCF...On Living A VicToRiOus LiFe

Its been quite some time that I've been attending VJCF (Victory in Jesus Christ Fellowship). After I relocated from ParaƱaque to Laguna, I have to decide to find a new church. I love Harvester's in QC but I need a church closer to my new home especially now that I have my whole family with me. Then there's VJCF...

Kuya Rence invited me one Sunday. At first I was reluctant...I barely know anyone and since I'm in the process of finding a new church I became merely a church goer. That was for months. Me, who was a Christian for so long did not have a ministry at all. I was growing cold. I did not allow new people come into my life and so I was stuck. This time, Satan thought he could have won me over...

Of course, God did not allow that to happen...Sometime in August, a group of girls my age (oops...a little younger than me i mean) approached me and invited me to join their fellowship. That was the start of a life-changing experience. I was so blessed with their lives. The warm welcome and the care that I felt was overwhelming. I really thank God for them especially Eunice, Jane and Eva. I've seen their love for the Lord and slowly I'm experiencing it again. The love I have for God which in some point in my life, I've forgotten to nurture.

Now, I can say that God did not allow me to fail but He made me victorious. And as I face another year, I know I'm not facing it alone...I have God, my family, friends and VJCF.

To are not just a church. You are a family.